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Brain Research Institute


Han S, & Helmchen F (2024). Behavior-relevant top-down cross-modal predictions in mouse neocortex. Nature Neuroscience, 1-11.

Groos D, Reuss AM, Rupprecht P, Stachniak T, Han S, Lewis C, Sych Y, Wieckhorst M, Karayannis T, Aguzzi A, Helmchen F. (2023). Distinct hypothalamus-habenula circuits govern risk preference. bioRxiv.

Carrillo-Reid L*, Han S*, O'Neil E*, Taralova E, Jebara T, Yuste R. (2021). Identification of Pattern Completion Neurons in Neuronal Ensembles Using Probabilistic Graphical Models. Journal of Neuroscience, 41 (41), 8577-8588.

Hamm JP, Shymkiv Y, Han S, Yang W, Yuste R. (2021). Cortical ensembles selective for context. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118 (14).

Wenzel M, Leunig A, Han S, Peterka DS, Yuste R. (2021). Prolonged anesthesia alters brain synaptic architecture. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(7).

Gallero-Salas Y, Han S, Syc Y, Voigt FF, Laurenczy B, Gilad A, Helmchen F. (2021). Sensory and behavioral components of neocortical signal flow in discrimination tasks with short-term memory. Neuron, 109(1), 135-148.

Carrillo-Reid L, Han S, Yang W, Akrouh A, Yuste R. (2019) Controlling Visually Guided Behavior by Holographic Recalling of Cortical Ensembles. Cell, 178 (2), 447-457.

Wenzel M*, Han S*, Smith EH*, Hoel E, Greger B, House PA, Yuste R. (2019). Reduced repertoire of cortical microstates and neuronal ensembles in medically induced loss of consciousness. Cell systems, 8 (5), 467-474.

Han S*, Yang W*, Yuste R. (2019) Two-color volumetric imaging of neural activity of cortical columns in vivo. Cell Reports, 27(7), 2229-2240.

Hirtz J, de Boer WDAM , Capretti A, Gregorkiewicz T, Izquierdo-Serra M, Han S, Dupre C, Shymkiv Y, Yuste R. (2018) Neuronal photoactivation through second-harmonic near-infrared absorption by gold nanoparticles. Light: Science & Applications, 7(100).

Han S, Taralova E, Dupre C, Yuste R. (2018) Comprehensive machine learning analysis of Hydra behavior reveals a stable behavioral repertoire. eLife, 7: e32605.

Liu K, Ding L, Li Y, Yang H, Zhao C, Lei Y, Han S, Tao W, Miao D, Steller H, Welsh MJ, Liu L. (2014) Neuronal necrosis is regulated by a conserved chromatin-modifying cascade. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(38), 13960-13965.

(* Equal contribution)